literature review – aged care sector in australia and facilities providing by those.
Order Description
this is a litreture review of 2000 words
topic : aged care sector in australia , facilities providing by those.
Practitioners in health related fields are required to be familiar with current literature in their chosen field of practice to ensure service delivery is based on the best available evidence. At times, this will involve searching for literature and compiling this in the form of a literature review. In order to develop your skills in conducting a review, this assessment requires you to write a literature review by:
Choosing a specific topic area of relevance to your field of study/practice
Establishing the importance of this research topic to the field
Conducting a search for relevant scholarly literature published on this topic within the past 5 – 10 years (or earlier if they are seminal works)
Critically analysing the literature and writing a review which synthesises the major themes in the literature
Identifying areas of controversy and gaps in literature and formulating questions that need further research
You will need to include citations to at least 15 scholarly sources of literature. You must also ensure your review is written in a clear and scholarly manner, including spelling, grammar, structure, tone, and accurate referencing in accordance with the latest APA guidelines (APA 6th). The following sections are suggested to assist you to structure your review:
A brief discussion about your topic, a rationale for its choice and how the selected literature is relevant to it (so for example, you may provide a rationale for including or excluding overseas literature; or you might give a rationale for narrowing your topic to a particular intervention, such as groupwork or counselling).
Scope and method of literature search
Results of your review of the literature – a summary of what is and is not known ie. identification of the themes in the literature.
literature review – aged care sector in australia and facilities providing by those.
literature review – aged care sector in australia and facilities providing by those.
literature review – aged care sector in australia and facilities providing by those.
Order Description
this is a litreture review of 2000 words
topic : aged care sector in australia , facilities providing by those.
Practitioners in health related fields are required to be familiar with current literature in their chosen field of practice to ensure service delivery is based on the best available evidence. At times, this will involve searching for literature and compiling this in the form of a literature review. In order to develop your skills in conducting a review, this assessment requires you to write a literature review by:
Choosing a specific topic area of relevance to your field of study/practice
Establishing the importance of this research topic to the field
Conducting a search for relevant scholarly literature published on this topic within the past 5 – 10 years (or earlier if they are seminal works)
Critically analysing the literature and writing a review which synthesises the major themes in the literature
Identifying areas of controversy and gaps in literature and formulating questions that need further research
You will need to include citations to at least 15 scholarly sources of literature. You must also ensure your review is written in a clear and scholarly manner, including spelling, grammar, structure, tone, and accurate referencing in accordance with the latest APA guidelines (APA 6th). The following sections are suggested to assist you to structure your review:
A brief discussion about your topic, a rationale for its choice and how the selected literature is relevant to it (so for example, you may provide a rationale for including or excluding overseas literature; or you might give a rationale for narrowing your topic to a particular intervention, such as groupwork or counselling).
Scope and method of literature search
Results of your review of the literature – a summary of what is and is not known ie. identification of the themes in the literature.